An Ode to Book Ogling
by Kay Cassidy
In the spirit of book-loving that is totally Harmony’s domain, I thought it would be fun to spotlight a few of the 2010 books I’m really looking forward to. I love to ogle books the same as the next gal, so it’s cool to have the opportunity to give a few shoutouts of my own!
Disclaimer: I know. I’m a Tenner, so how can I possibly choose just a few 2010 releases from my fellow debut authors? The answer is, by being a Cheatie McCheaterpants. I’m not going to include any Tenner debut books (because really, I have NO IDEA how I would narrow that list down to just a handful). I’ve already read a dozen of them and holy crow are they awesome!!
Sorry. Book ogling moment. Where was I? 2010 books I can’t wait to read? Got it.
In addition to the fabulouso Tenner books, here are two of my OMG-I-Can’t-Wait-For-This titles...
This World We Live In
At the top of the list is Susan Beth Pfeffer’s final book in the Moon trilogy, This World We Live In.

I am a BIG CHICKEN when it comes to post-apocalyptic books, so I didn’t actually read the first two until my friend Tera Lynn Childs convinced me I needed to during the summer of 2009. I read the first book, Life As We Knew It, and was immediately swept away into this world that Sue had built. I needed a breather in between that and the second book, The Dead and the Gone, because it’s a pretty intense trilogy. (I read Lisa Yee’s fabulous Millicent Min: Girl Genius to cleanse the palette, so to speak. Loved it!)
Both of the Moon books have been completely fabulous, so when I found out This World We Live In brings the heroine from book one and the hero from book 2 together into one final story? I was over the moon! (excuse the pun)
Heist Society
Ally Carter is one of my all-time favorite YA authors. Her Gallagher Girls books are auto-buys for me, and I always devour them in a single sitting. When I heard about this terrific new series, Heist Society, I knew it was for me.

I love love LOVE the Oceans 11—Oceans 12—Oceans 13 movies, so I already know I’m going to be staying up way too late the first night this one hits shelves to read it.
I could go on and on (and on and ON) with my list, but these are two of my top early 2010 auto-buys. What’s coming up that’s an auto-buy for you?
I am so psyched for THE HEIST!
Honored to be a pallete cleanser!!!
See, aren't you glad you listened to me?!? I haven't read the second moon book yet--I was too emotionally overwhelmed by the first one, but I think enough time has passed. I am, of course, counting the seconds until Heist Society!
I just finished This World We Live In and really enjoyed it although it still leaves you hanging. Such a great series!
Thanks so much for having me, Harmony! (And yes, Tera, I'm soooo glad I listened to you. You = a very smart girl.) :-)
Debbie - how lucky are you to have read it already???
I think enough time has passed. I am, of course, counting the seconds until Heist Society!
Work from home India
I'm really excited for Heist Society to come out!
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