Today we have Amy Brecount White, author of the very sweet book, Forget-Her-Nots (review of which will be coming soon but I will say I loved it!). Enjoy and don't forget to comment!
Not-So-Romantic Flashbacks
Thanks for the flashback moments, Harmony! This was really fun, and I can exactly feel what I felt then. Weird, huh? I think teens have a hyper-awareness of the world around them, so you always remember your teen years vividly.
Authors have a similar hyper-awareness of the world and the desire to explore it. Most YA and MG authors, I think, could give you blow-by-blow accounts of the highlights and lowlights of their teen years. Here are a few of my most memorable romantic failures:
Biggest Romantic Blooper:
My very first kiss. I still feel bad thinking about this, because he was very earnest. He was a really good friend, and we decided to try the going out thing. We kissed – pleasant but no sparks – and then he called me “Darling.” I started laughing and couldn’t stop. Darling? Really? But I wish I hadn’t laughed. Not that much. He was pretty crushed.
Biggest Turnabout (aka Sadie Hawkins) FAIL:
So senior year, I finally got the guts to ask this guy to the turnabout dance, when the girls asked the guys. He was a total surfer dude, with blonde locks over his eyes and deep, dark brown eyes. I had admired him from afar for years. So I asked and he said yes, and we started moving baby steps closer. Until he decided to go see his dad in California and surf instead of going to the Turnabout Dance in a streamer- festooned gym in Dayton, Ohio, with me.
But all my girlfriends were going, so I asked another guy … and another … and another … and another. Fifth one said yes. (Almost everyone had a date already, so maybe I should have stopped at #4.) The dance was okay at best, but I was with my friends. Here’s the kicker. We left the after-party, and he took me home. If we kissed, I don’t remember.
Then, the jerk went back to the after-party without me!!! Grrrrr. I don’t think I ever spoke to him again.
Biggest Déjà vu Moment:
I dated “Tom’s” -- guys named Tom, I mean. My two serious high school boyfriends were both named Tom. Then I dated two more in college. Weird, huh? But I didn’t marry a Tom.
Biggest Dreamy Twilight Zone:
I’ve been out of high school for a long time, but I still dream I’m there at least once a month. Or friends from high school I haven’t seen in ages show up in my dreams. And sometimes I still dream about the first guy I truly loved.
Yup, his name was Tom.
Biggest Dorky Dancer Move:
It was our senior prom for college, and we were all decked out. I got a little too into the music and dancing and accidentally whomped my date on the nose. Instant bloody nose. It took, like, ten minutes for the blood to stop, and his shirt was a mess. But he still married me.
Thanks so much for having me, Harmony!
As part of the blog tour, I had to choose a flower to give to my readers. I chose to give you guys a yellow tulip. One of the meanings of a yellow tulip is friendship. I know I count a lot of you reading this as my friends and for those I don't talk to much, I would love to become friends with. YAY for the amazing groups of friends that reviewing has created. :)
(To learn more about what to do with this flower, please check out this post on Amy's blog.)
Great post Amy. I am sure you had to do quite a bit of reliving those moments to write a YA novel. Did you have to do any other research?
I love Amy's bloopers! What great questions! That would make a great writing prompt.
oh this is so great!! loved the questions!! loved the answers :D thanks so much for sharing!!
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